Section: Software


New Software


Participants : Jonathan Delhumeau, Guillaume Gravier, Hervé Jégou [correspondent] .

The deposit of this software at APP is currently being processed (submitted). The software is available from its homepage, namely http://babaz.gforge.inria.fr/ .

Babaz is a audio database management system with an audio-based search function, which is intended for audio-based search in video archives.

It is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0.


Participants : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] , Hervé Jégou.

Joint work with Christian Wengert (Kooba Inc.) and Matthijs Douze (INRIA LEAR and SED project-teams)

This package implements the color descriptor proposed in our ACM Multimedia paper [48] , which improves the previous color histogram representation.

The bag-of-colors software corresponds to two packages:

  • The (reference) Matlab package, which was co-developed with Christian Wengert and Matthijs Douze ;

  • The python package (translated) was translated from Matlab by Sébastien Campion.

The Matlab version of this package is available on Github at https://github.com/kooaba/bag-of-color/ .

The python version is available on the gforge INRIA server, and might be available on request.


Participant : Christian Raymond [correspondent] .

The software homepage is available at http://bonzaiboost.gforge.inria.fr/ .

Bonzaiboost stands for boosting over small decisions trees. bonzaiboost is a general purpose machine-learning program based on decision tree and boosting for building a classifier from text and/or attribute-value data. Currently one configuration of bonzaiboost is ranked first on http://mlcomp.org a website which propose to compare several classification algorithms on many different datasets

Don Quixotte

Participant : Teddy Furon [correspondent] .

This software was developed in collaboration with project-team TEMICS (P. Meerwald)

Don Quixotte a software suite in C for Tardos Fingerprinting code (Code generation, collusion, and accusation with single and/or joint decoding).

Rare Event

Participant : Teddy Furon [correspondent] .

This software was developed in collaboration with project-team ASPI (F. Cérou, A. Guyader)

Rare Event is a Matlab package for rare event probabilities and extreme quantiles estimations

Most active software started before 2011


Participant : Hervé Jégou [correspondent] .

This software is jointly maintained by Matthijs Douze, from INRIA Grenoble.

Bigimbaz is a platform originally developed in the Lear project-team, and now co-maintained by TexMex . It integrates several contributions on image description and large-scale indexing: detectors, descriptors, retrieval using bag-of-words and inverted files, and geometric verification.


Participant : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] .

Visual graphical interface for tracking visual targets based on particle filter tracking or based on mean-shift. The deposit of this software at APP is currently being processed.


Participant : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] .

Creation of spatio-temporal mosaic based on dominant motion compensation. It depends on the Motion2D library, which computes the dominant motion, and then adjust the images by back-warping. The deposit of this software at APP is currently being processed.


Participant : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] .

The software homepage is available here: http://pim.gforge.inria.fr/pimpy/ .

First APP deposit: IDDN.FR.001.260038.000.S.P.2011.000.40000

PimPy stands for Indexing Multimedia with Python (or Platform for Indexing Multimedia with Python). The aim of this module is to provide a convenient and high level API to manage common multimedia indexing tasks. It includes severals features. It is used, in particular

  • to retrieve video features, such as histogram, binarized DCT descriptor, SIFT, SURF, etc ;

  • to detect video cuts and dissolve (GoodShotDetector) ;

  • for fast video frame access (pyffas) ;

  • for raw frame extraction, or video segment extraction and re-encoding ;

  • to search a video segment in another video (content based retrieval) ;

  • to perform scene clustering.


Participant : Hervé Jégou [correspondent] .

This software is jointly maintained by Matthijs Douze, from INRIA Grenoble.

First APP deposit: IDDN.FR.001.220012.000.S.P.2010.000.10000

A new version of the software at APP is currently being processed.

Pqcodes is a library which implements the approximate k nearest neighbor search method of [18] . This software has been transferred to Technicolor in August 2011.


Participant : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] .

The deposit of this software at APP is currently being processed.

Implementation of the Geometric Hashing algorithm of  [85] to check if geometrical consistency between pairs of images.


Participant : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] .

This software is jointly maintained with Guillaume Gravier.

Samusa enable to detect speech and/or musical segment in multimedia content.


Participant : Hervé Jégou [correspondent] .

This software is jointly maintained by Matthijs Douze, from INRIA Grenoble.

APP deposit: IDDN.FR.001.220014.000.S.P.2010.000.10000

A new version of the software at APP is currently being processed.

Yael is a C/python/Matlab library providing (multi-threaded, Blas/Lapack, low level optimization) implementations of computationally demanding functions. In particular, it provides very optimized functions for k-means clustering and exact nearest neighbor search.


Participant : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] .

TVSearch is a content based retrieval search engine used to search and propagate manual annotation such as advertisement in a TV corpora. Based on a binary DCT descriptor, it used GPU card to compute exhaustive Hamming distance between the query and database. For example, a query of 11 seconds in 21 days on television (504 hours) is done in 9 seconds. (i.e., bit-rate of 2,3 days/second) TVSearch offer a web services API using the HTTP/REST protocol.

The deposit of this software at APP is currently being processed.


Participant : Sébastien Campion [correspondent] .

AVSST is an Automatic Video Stream Structuring Tool. First, it allows the detection of repetitions in a TV stream. Second, a machine learning method allows the classification of programs and inter-programs such as advertisements, trailers, etc. Finally, the electronic program guide is synchronized with the right timestamps based on dynamic time warping. A graphical user interface is provided to manage the complete workflow.

Other softwares

Several software programs have been developed in the team over the years:

I-Description (APP deposit number: IDDN.FR.001.270047.000.S.P.2003.000.21000 ),

Asares , is a symbolic machine learning system that automatically infers, from descriptions of pairs of linguistic elements found in a corpus in which the components are linked by a given semantic relation, corpus-specific morpho-syntactic and semantic patterns that convey the target relation. (IDDN.FR.001.0032.000.S.C.2005.000.20900) ,

AnaMorpho , detects morphological relations between words in many languages (IDDN.FR.001.050022.000.S.P.2008.000.20900) ,

DiVATex is a audio/video frame server. (IDDN.FR.001.320006.000.S.P.2006.000.40000) ,

NaviTex is a video annotation tool. (IDDN.FR.001.190034.000.S.P.2007.000.40000) ,

Telemex , is a web service that enables TV and radio stream recording.

VidSig computes a small and robust video signature (64 bits per image).

VidSeg computes segmentation features such as cuts, dissolves, silences in audio track, changes of ratio aspect, monochrome images. (IDDN.FR.001.250009.000.S.P.2009.000.40000) ,

Isec , web application used as graphical interface for image searching engines based on retrieval by content.

GPU-KMeans , implementation of k-means algorithm on graphical process unit (graphic cards)

Correspondence Analysis computes a factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) for image retrieval.

GPU Correspondence Analysis , is an implementation of the previous software Correspondence Analysis on graphical processing unit (graphical card).

CAVIZ is an interactive graphical tool that allows to display and to extract knowledge from the results of a Correspondence Analysis on images.

Kiwi (standing for Keywords Extractor) is mostly dedicated to indexing and keyword extraction purposes.

Topic Segmenter , is a software dedicated to topic segmentation of texts and (automatic) transcripts.

S2E (Structuring Events Extractor) is a module which allows the automatic discovery of audiovisual structuring events in videos.

2pac , build classes of words of similar meanings (“semantic classes“) specific to the use that is made of them in that given topic. (IDDN.FR.001.470028.000.S.P.2006.000.40000)

Faestos , (Fully Automatic Extraction of Sets of keywords for TOpic characterization and Spotting) is a tool composed of a sequence of statistical treatments that extracts from a morpho-syntactically tagged corpus sets of keywords that characterize the main topics that corpus deals with. (IDDN.FR.001.470029.000.S.P.2006.000.40000)

Fishnet , Fishnet is an automatic web pages grabber associated with a specific theme.

Match Maker , semantic relation extraction by statistical methods.

IRISA News Topic Segmenter (irints) , automatically segments speech transcripts into topic-consistent parts.

IRISAphon , produce phonetic words.